I have often found it really hard to be happy and just recently I signed up to become a certified Happy for No Reason trainer with Marci Shimoff and it has completely changed my concept on life and how I want to live.
I read the book “Being Happy” by Andrew Matthews many years ago and it has been my life’s work to find real happiness. I have realized that I wanted my life’s circumstances to change so that I can be happy but I now know that it is up to me to choose happiness first and then it’s very likely that my life’s circumstances will change for the better.
I have noticed a few good things coming to me as a result of my reflection but the most important thing is that I feel a certain peace where I knew that there was no peace before and that has made a real difference in my life.
My focus for this blog previously was relationships but if you can truly be happy then your relationships will be better so now my focus is to show you what I have learned and put into practice in my life and hopefully one day soon I will have the pleasure of leading you in a Happy for No Reason workshop.
Much love,