+61 428 889 163

Purpose of Self Love (part 3)

Such a beautiful song and so relevant to the purpose of self love.

Basically self love is all that there really is. Every thing that happens to you is about what you are feeling inside. You are projecting it onto the screen of your life and bringing it into being.

When I woke up this morning I felt a need to change my life with radical acceptance of everything that is going on around me. For me to do this I need to put loving energy into the things that I don’t really like that are going on.

There are many things going on in the world at the moment that seem “wrong” but in fact they have the power to be right if we can only see them that way.

Real self love comes when you can really surrender from the rights and wrongs of the world and truly understand that everything is perfect. It doesn’t need to be changed or fixed, it just needs to be given loving acceptance.

The value of this loving acceptance is that you can feel peaceful and happy in your heart. Nothing really has to change for you to feel that but you do need to make the choice and then commit to bringing the loving acceptance into being.

You may feel some resistance to this but that is okay. If you need any coaching to help you through then please reach out and connect with me.

It is truly your responsibility to make this life all it can be and it would be a pleasure to help you to do that.

Much love,


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