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The Purpose of Self Love (part 2)

This is one of my all time favorite movies.

It is so interesting that we have been sold on the value of romantic love and I must admit that I am a hopeless romantic but so many times I have been shown that without self-love then the dream of having Mr. Right in my life is just that a dream!

Without self-love I gave way too much and was taken advantage of time after time. I was not willing to be assertive. I thought by giving more my partner would see what a wonderful person I was and feel glad that he was with me. But this was not the result.

Without self-love I put up with too much and then ended up resentful. I was not able to set healthy boundaries and then when I was so tired of feeling used I attacked and then felt further isolated until it was no longer possible to stay in the relationship.

Self-love is vital for a healthy relationship. How can someone love you when you refuse to love yourself?

How did I create self-love? The only time that I can create self-love is in the present moment. For me it is about having beautiful things around me or creating moments when I feel really blessed in my life.

A nice bath. Dancing. Listening to music I love. Hearing the birds sing. Happy thoughts about events in my life.

We all get to choose our thoughts and choosing thoughts that feel good is so important, as is noticing what is right in your life.

I truly know how easy it is to look for what is unwanted in my life and give that attention but it is much better to look for all the good things in my life and give them attention. The love of a young child. There are many blessings in my life and it is my most important job to notice and enjoy them as much as I possibly can.

It doesn’t take a long time to change everything when you take the time and focus to add more self-love in your life and the best part about it when you are committed to your own self-love then the law of attraction has the chance to bring remarkable gifts into your life to make it even better still.

Much love.


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