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The Importance of Vulnerability

I have been going through something that I would have never thought was possible.  My children seem like they have no respect for me and I never thought that I would feel what it is like to be threatened and abused by one’s I have truly loved and always done my best for.  But still that happens.

What can I do?  At the moment it seems that I just have to ride out the storm and deal with what ever is in my power to deal with but also realize that I could not have changed this.  To me it is like a storm that had to happen but it has been devastating.

I have found love in my life now and he supports me in the time I need it most and it is so refreshing to know that I can talk with him with complete honesty and he understands me.

As human being we all go through tough times.  I do believe that is what we come onto this beautiful planet for.  To grow and evolve as a soul and without tough times then the same degree of growth would not be possible.

Loved this little video on vulnerability and I wanted to share that I am so happy that I was vulnerable with my man.  And so grateful to feel his support.

Much love



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