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Trust in Relationships

Such a powerful message on trust.  Especially the part about trusting yourself first.

I am going to be listening to this many times.

One of the first things that really caught my attention was the marble jar theory.  I know in my life I have certainly run on no marbles at all very few that I had put there myself and very few that I had allowed or even expected to be put there by someone who I had a close relationship with.

The result of this was that I felt desperate, unsupported, unloved and I had tolerated so much that I was so over it.  Not much fun at all.

Allowing your partner to fill your marble jar is such an important thing to do.  If you want to feel loved and respected.  Even if I make small gestures of disapproval, they are seen and noted in a close relationship and not a gesture of love but a gesture of disapproval or judgement.  The result of which is putting distance between myself and someone that I would really prefer to feel closer with.  Ultimately by doing this I will be putting myself in a position of pain, whereas my hope would be that I can create a strong love with my intimate partner.

The only way to create strong intimate bonds is to be aware of what is going on with myself and my partner and if there is something that is not comfortable or not pleasing to me then I must take the opportunity to deal with it right there and then.  It has been a habit that I have formed to talk myself out of the discomfort of confronting something that I was not happy about but now in my life I can see how that is like a cancer and it grows to the extent that it can kill love.  This is certainly too high a price to pay.

I am learning to fill my own marble jar now but the points raised in this video showed me how many areas I had to look at and how much courage I needed to muster in my own life that I had not really looked at before or acknowledged.

This is a challenge for me but one that I am truly ready for.

How about you?  Are you ready to join this challenge with me?

Much love,


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