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Learning How To Say No In Your Relationship

Love dancing above all else.  How special to spend quality time in the arms of the love of your life!

As much as I have thought that saying yes is more loving than saying no, I have felt the frustration and resentment of saying yes when I really want to say no.

When I say yes to someone when I really want to say no I am not being loving at all.  I am giving away a part of me to please another person and that will mostly lead me to resentment and certainly not be helpful in the relationship at all.

An important foundation of a relationship is healthy boundaries and just like when you are on a plane the air hostess says that you have to fix your own mask first before you help anyone else.  When you take care of your own needs first you are able to function in the relationship from a place of fullness not a place of lack.

When you function from a place of fullness then life is just so much better.  There is no blame or nagging.  It opens up your communications so that they can come from a place of feeling good and appreciating the special bond that you share rather than pointing a finger of blame at your partner.

It’s always best to live your life from a place of fullness and joy.  Don’t be hard on yourself when you make mistakes along the way either.  I do believe that life is about learning and growing but mostly it is about being authentic with yourself and others.

Much love


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